The following information is what it takes to set up your professional career.
You can use this list and get started right away on your own.
As you progress and learn, your media will improve and you will become competitive for the jobs you want. You must plan, work and educate yourself for every success you receive.
ASSIGNMENT: Know What You Want: Lifestyle & Career Goals
Research the Industry Genres & Jobs you are interested in.
Who is Successful in those fields?
How did they get into the business?
What does it really take?
Google all the industry questions you have.
Are you still interested and do you have the time and support for the work and tools required?
Do you want to participate for a creative outlet and arts experience, or for career development?
Do you want to do local and regional work for small businesses and communities?
Do you want to start submitting auditions & traveling for professional work?
What interests do you want to develop?
What lifestyle do you want?
What are you into?
Just Modeling or Just Acting or Just Influencing is Not Enough & Not Enough Substance.
When you look back at your life what do you want to tell your family and people who matter to you?
Now that you know what you want…
Which do want to hear from me?
"Welcome & Yea!" If you are continuing, or
"You Are Welcome Back Anytime. This is a long-game and you are never too old!"
Now Start the Work!
The assignments are set up to help you 'habit stack' during your training and to develop marketing media for workshops, promotions & job submissions.
ASSIGNMENT: Start an Idea Journal Notebook
ASSIGNMENT: Select Your Professional Name for your Professional Media
If you are going to use a professional email, now is the time to establish it.
Email Files are Wonderful for Storing Marketing & Other Information
ASSIGNMENT: Build a Personal Website Page and Link to All Marketing
Start with a Free Web Host
I use
Take advantage of the QR Code
You need on your landing page:
Headshot Photo
Titles & Short Biography
Link to Agencies
Link to Casting App Profiles
Link to Portfolio
Link to Resume
Link to Professional Instagram
Link to Other Professional Social Media
Link to Professional YouTube Channel
ASSIGNMENT: Start Creating a Behind the Scenes (BTS) Video Journal
Document your process and progress.
BTS is marketing gold because casting sees you are taking it serious and professionally by doing the work and showing that you love it.
It also gives you content creating experience.
ASSIGNMENT: Start to align your looks to the job requirements and your brand
If you are planning on changing anything about your looks or physique
(teeth, lasering off spots or moles, muscle gain, hip toning, six pack abs, correcting hair color, removing nails…)
You are marketing your look so if your look is going to take time to complete, start marketing with your training and behind the scenes footage.
If you are already at the ‘look goal’ then start with your marketing & submission reels alongside your training footage.
Talk to Your Agent About Your Job Markets
Know What Your Look Should Be for the Jobs You Are Going After
Never Change Anything without Talking to Your Agent!
Be Aware of the contract clause for changing your looks during production.
It is legal for talent to be charged/sued. More info in Business Workshop.
All marketing materials, except tears and working reels, must be re-shot every time you change your looks.
Marketing materials need to be kept updated and created for your brand and specific job markets.
Actors can come in every size, tattooed, colored hair, pierced… it does not matter, actors need to be a lot of things but are often stereotyped based on the looks & body language they can pull off. Continuity of appearance during shooting is the actors responsibility.
Models are still all natural hair, natural nails, no hair color, no fillers… & must always fit the specific size hired for. High fashion models must be 5’11” or taller and have 34” hips to fit the tiny sample size garments, it’s about the clothes, not the model. Basically anyone with the body type and the right attitude can be successful.
ASSIGNMENT: Set up a Professional YouTube Channel
To Get Started, Upload BTS footage on a Private Playlist & Save for future use.
Edit into Submission Reels & Post Content.
YouTube and Instagram will be your most important marketing outlets.
Content Creating is covered in workshops.
ASSIGNMENT: Set up a Professional Instagram Account
Only Post Career Advantageous Material & Create Content with Purpose
Clean Up All of Your Social Media Sites
Be Brand Specific
Remember a Post is Forever
Post for Work
Do Not Allow Social Media to Run Your Time
ASSIGNMENT: Set up a FREE PROFILE on the following Casting Websites:
Do not set up profile while on the app
Watch the free tutorials on Casting Networks before starting
Type Every Answer to Every Question into a Word document, Save to Copy and Paste for Resume and future use. You will use this information forever.
Casting Networks Used by most commercial modeling & talent agencies.
Legacy Casting Used by Taylor Sheridan
IMDB Pro Advanced Career App
ASSIGNMENT: Make Practice Submission Reels
Start reading through all the castings on the Casting Apps
Create submission media from actual auditions and save on your YT Playlist as Sample of Work Reels.
You can submit to jobs if you pay for the app.
Auditions and Job Skills are covered in Workshops .
ASSIGNMENT: Watch Your YouTube Channel Reels & Footage
Always preview on a Large Screen TV – Casting Agents Are.
Learn from your footage. You can describe your friend’s quirks, but not your own – you need to see and hear yourself to direct yourself in body language and expressions. Watch your submission reels on the big screen before submitting, but do not become obsessed with perfection. Accept your human qualities, real is what Casting Agents Want.
ASSIGNMENT: Start Collecting and Setting Up a Home Studio & Portable Studio
Storage Space is essential for tech equipment, wardrobe & etcetera
Camera or Phone Camera, Charger, Extension Cord, Tripod
External Microphone for Camera or Pro Sound Equipment
Editing Software or Phone Editing App
3 Photography Studio Lights, Ring Lights are ok
Backdrop Rig 10’ wide necessary for a full body shot
Solid Color Backdrops, Color Best for your skin & a Green Screen
Dry Erase Board, Markers & Tripod for Scripts
Turquoise or a Solid Color Top without logos for Reels
ASSIGNMENT: Start Collecting and Organizing a Professional Go Bag
Go Bags are career genre specific. See Content List Below
Be Patient With Yourself - This is Time Consuming, most of us get what has to be done first then keep adding to it as we go. You are Under Development its ok to not be perfect and as professional as A-List Celebrities.
Contact Audrey Brooks if you have any questions or set up a coaching session
Go Bag is a polite term for all of the stuff you need with you all of the time!
I personally have a car wardrobe rack, packed garment bag of basics, two hanging shoe bags, a rolling suitcase full of toiletries, media bag all ready to grab and go.
I also do crew work so I have advanced makeup, wardrobe and location kits.
Business Card with Press Kit Links – QR Code
Printed Headshots or Comp Cards
Portfolio – Printed Book or iPad charged & easily accessible
Phone on Silent BEFORE Entering Gig
Charger, Tripod
Idea Notebook
Keep a file of photos or videos of your nails, hair, makeup, wardrobe...titled for specific scenes. In theory, the art department will do this during the shoot. Talent that are in the habit of keeping track of their appearance are not only crew favorites, but are in more control of their performance and their career.
Also keep a check list of items to repack on location.
If you leave something on set you may never see it again.
Teeth: Floss, Toothbrush, Paste, Whitening, Tongue Brush
Nails: File, Cuticle Oil & Clipper, Polish Remover
Nails for Models: Clear or Nude only on fingers and toes, no white
Nails for Actors: Nails, along with hair, makeup...must stay consistent throughout shoots and re-shoots. Be mindful and keep your polish color with you.
Hair: Talent should be able to style their own hair 3 different ways, bring items necessary.
Skincare: Face and Body
Everyone's list is different
Makeup: Every Performer Should Have a Personal High Definition (HD) Correctional Makeup Kit for Reels
Actors: Character Kit w FX Makeup, Wigs, Accessories, Wardrobe, Character Notebook. Most FX Projects have Artists, but not all projects. Actors who can do their own FX is an asset.
Personal Health, Hydration & Snacks
Talent with food restrictions should bring food and snacks.
Keep a mini oral health kit with your lunch box.
***Everything Must Be Unscented
Lotion, Deodorant… No Cologne or Perfume
WHY? No one wants to buy a new outfit that smells like someone else.
Keep Wardrobe Items for Jobs Only & Not Every Day Wear
Collect solid colors without logos
Head Cover or Be Prepared to Pay Damages for Client’s Dirty Collars
Drop Cloth to change on
Pop Up Dressing Room
Portable Garment Rack
Portable Steamer & a Heavy Duty Extension Cord
Mini Sewing Kit
Lint Brush
Static Guard
Stain Remover
Elastic Bands to fit waist and arms
Bulldog Clips
Shoes Models: Closed & Open Toe Stiletto heels in Black & Nude
Shoes Actors: Your comfort is ok! Black, Brown, Nude, Athletic, Casual, Dressy
Variety of Undergarments
in Black, White, Nude:
Bra Collection:
Full-Bottom Briefs
Guys- Fitted Boxers
Reels / Auditions:
Solid Color T-Shirt or Top
NO Logos or Distractions
Good Fitting Jeans
Select Shoes that are Character Appropriate for the Audition or Project
OR Dress for the Audition
Business, Athletic...Actors Choice
Models: Black Fitted Outfit
Fitted Black Dress or Skirt
Noisy Fabric is BAD on set!
Talent, Crew, Visitors...take heed.
More Covered in Job Skills Sessions or Contact Audrey Brooks at